- It is not the world becomes an obsession of a person, but become embedded in his heart against four cases; poverty does not know the wealth, desire never broken, endless bustle, and delusion that there is no rupture.
- Life is not promised happiness of all time. Sometimes humans diasak with perbagai allegations and exams.
- When we fear the pain of heat from the fire, why do we let the embers of anger and hatred hurt our souls?
- Muslim is a brother to other Muslims. He did not molest her, nor let wronged.
- The objective is the compass of life, a life without purpose without captain instance ship, drifting in the middle of the ocean. Oscillate hit by currents and waves of life.
- And God brought you from your mother's belly in a state of not knowing anything. And he gave you hearing and sight and hearts. That ye may be grateful.
- Violence, disappointment, sadness, humiliation, suffering, grief, infidelity, but of all that there is an expectation of life for the happiness of love.
- If we succeed, friends must know who we are. When we fall, we will know who our friends are.
- Life is faith and struggle.
- Life is not initiated from a Darwinian theory of coincidence. But life began with the creation of Allah.
- What is the real meaning of life ?, ie whatever we do
- O Allah, make me patient and the patient's life in every trial.
- Let us accept and give advice to each other on the basis of faith. And teach all that is done with an open heart, happy, and sincere. Do the opposite, like advising but rarely hear the advice of others.
- Everything has a meaning, so we are to make sense of our own lives stairs.
- Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep balance you must keep moving.
- In life, nothing is eternal, because for every "welcome", will always end with a "goodbye".
- Will not enter paradise someone who is in his heart feeling cocky though high mountain
- You're walking through life shanties, starfish were left wounded, hurt will fade the color, the color of life that always tertapak. In solitude and anxiety, restlessness to find a cure wounds of life.
- If you want to know your future, consider you are kerjaakan now. Whatever you do in earnest today are forming your success in the future, especially if you choose wisely you are doing today.
- If you want to move forward into a life with greater expectations, do not do anything that does not have a large size in the future.
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- Life is filled with a thousand kinds of sweetness but to achieve it needs a thousand kinds of sacrifices.
- Life is beautiful, if we know how to appreciate it.
- The beauty of life, every bad, there must be beautiful, every good, there must be bad.
- Sweat flowing in the field of exercise is the redeemer of blood on the battlefield.
- Trying to live independently because other people will not be around forever.
- Do not antagonize the past, bad whatever it is, make peace with the past, so it does not interfere with the future.
- Love your loved ones, follow your heart, do not care about other people say. You are determining the direction of your life
- Life is simple, it's just that we are making it complicated with empty plans.
- The beauty of life is due to the uncertainty and constant change occurs.
- The beauty of this life if she had always decorated beautiful colors, bright sparkly, not grim soak flavor.
- Life is beautiful melodies.
- Be candles are lit another candle because happiness will not be divisible by fellow beings.
- Through life like a climbing rope in high places. We must continue to run with full concentration was the future we can not continue to look back because it just makes our hearts grow worried.
- The only man in the world is divided into two groups: the human good and evil.
- When you fall, do not stay down. Fall does not mean losing, it just means you have to get up and re-try.
- A rose can be my friend and a friend can be my world.
- I never felt afraid to love you as long as we are still under the same sky and the same world.
- Dreams can not exist by itself, but the dream will come when we tried to reach it.
- Life would never be mean if regrettable, but life would be more meaningful if I faced.
- Every experience should enter into life, in order to enrich life itself.
- Because there is no final word to learn as well no final word for life.
- Patience in life such as herbs, though bitter but healthy.
- The more clean heart, the light looked at life test our approach.
- As seeds need soil that is softer, so teaching advice, and warning would require heart shaped.
- Learn the whole hog of your life, something that can change your life for the better again.
- If you fail today, do not ever give up. Repeat your failure until you give up boss.
- All the problems in this life will pass away and replaced with happiness.
- Friend, when you're sad I cry, when you hurt my heart was torn, when you're upset I was always restless. That's the real life colors.
- Do not be jealous of the establishment of others, know that they are there because of the determination and hard work.
- You will still be people who have not been successful the next 5 years if you do not make changes in your life today.
- Trust me, this day will be more beautiful, than yesterday, if we start with a prayer and a smile.
- Life is hard and not easy. But I was much harder and not easily defeated.
- The struggle in life is beautiful after we pass.
- And life in this world is only play and amusement. While the hereafter, it is better for those who fear Allah.
- The mission life in a work, the problem is a challenge, the power of hope. Do it with kindness, being what it is, speak the language of the heart, continue to work and face life.
- Life is to be a great, strong, broad, large, and useful, simple it is his attitude.
- Live like a tree that is fruitful, living on the edge of the road and when pelted with stones, but rewarded with fruit.
- Someone who is intelligent, but he was humble as jewelry whose value is equal to a kingdom.
- Think whatever you are going to say, because every word that comes out of your mouth you will not be able to pull back.
- If a life he does not force, but always trying.
- Responsibility, love, and affection could be everything goes side by side in a human life. However, the real question whether we could do justice to it ?.
- I prefer painting ocean waves hitting and passionate than painting cool calm peaceful rice fields. That is the principle of real life.
- Success, success, and ideals in the chest at any age, whether young or old is not a measure for both.
- When we have something that actually is in us, we cry in the shadow of revenge, and if we regret and mengikhlaskannya, we will find what is ours, and we will regret will be the revenge.
- The most difficult in this life is not when you reach a success, but when you maintain your success painstakingly done.
- Happy person is not a great man in every way. But people who can find simple things in life.
- Success in life is to be fought not just a dream.
- Respect every dream you have. Because of where will form the spirit to realize the dream of becoming a fact of life.
- O people, after this short life you will live a life that is eternal.
- If you understand the secret of your duty in this life and charity to Lord mengikhlaskan there waiting for you enjoyment.
- If love you just a dream to me, then let me fall asleep forever and do not taste the sweetness of life.
- Success is the ability to move from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm alive.
- Friendship will lead to friendship if they know and understand your bad side.
- Plans are nothing, planning is important is to live better.
- The biggest mistake that can be made man in life is the constant fear that he would make a mistake.
- Do not think the pain will in the long run, the future will bring despair to God. Remember usually sore will not be prolonged.
- Exams are organized educational life by God.
- In this life, people usually appreciate something that is hard to find but often forget the favors that have been provided.
- It was not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Allah SWT.
- Love will ask for all that you have in your life.
- The trip was charged no end. We are not beginners, not too late, but the connector, then do not stop the trip. Keep walking.
- Success is measured by the obstacles of life that a person overcome while trying to succeed than a position that has been achieved in life.
- People who can overcome his desire more daring than those who can conquer his enemies because most elusive victory is victory over yourself.
- If you can not find peace within yourself. Then you will never find anywhere.
- And God brought you from your mother's belly in a state of not knowing anything. And he gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that ye may be grateful.
- Success is the ability to pass through and overcome from one failure to the next, without losing the spirit.
- A winner never stopped to try and people who stopped to try would be a winner.
- Life is like're traveling on the road, if you do not follow the rules of the road it will be wretched.
- When alive, do not let yourself be in the dark, because the darkness bayanganpun will leave.
- Life changes will result in maturity.
- The only way to pass the test of life is to deal with it.
- Capital required to start a progress is the willingness, courage, and knowledge. While the strength to defend it is honesty, commitment, innovation, and patience.
- Adorn this life with a smile because he symbolizes the harmony of life.
- The life of this world is nothing but play and amusement, are villages that real life hereafter, you humans know it.
- If given the opportunity, what I dreamed would I recover any mistakes in my life.
- Patience it may be painful, but patience will be perfection in the future.
- The more we too wished besides Allah, then be prepared to be disappointed.
- Today I will do what others will not do, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can not do.
- Live well as if tomorrow will never come.
- Stop asking how to get what you want in life. Because the answer you are just trying to find.
Publisher by Muhamad Ramli