Bahasa Puisi

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Contoh Pidato Bahaya Narkoba Bahasa Ingris

by Catatan Cand, Sunday, January 11, 2015
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Assalamu•alaikum Wr Wb
Dear principals
I respect Mr. / Mrs. Teacher and Administrative staff and Invited guests who have attended
And friends who I love.

Let us pray praise Allah SWT who has bestowed His blessings so that we can gather here and on this day I will deliver a speech on Drugs.

Peace be upon us flattered right to the presence of our great lord, the great prophet, noble prophet, the prophet Muhammad. He is as a human battering ram moral decadence. Through hard work, sacrifice, and struggle he was, we can be free of infidelity, ignorance and humiliation. Similarly, may peace and blessings remain tercurahkan for family, friends and followers until the end of time.

Contoh Pidato Bahaya Narkoba Bahasa Ingris
Contoh Pidato Bahaya Narkoba Bahasa Ingris
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In Indonesia, the number of drug users is so great, because weak law enforcement in Indonesia international dealers can cooperate with Indonesian citizen and earn huge profits. Abuse of Narcotics and other additives itutentu brings a broad and complex effects. As a result, among others, changes in behavior, health problems, decreased work productivity drastically, crime and other acts of violence.

Drug abuse can be prevented through programs such follow social activities, do not hang out with drug users or dealers, not easily influenced solicitation or seduction to use drugs. Drug users are usually dominated by teens and schoolchildren.

Schools also provide counseling to the students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse through teacher BP, discussions involving students in planning for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important program is the program of Narcotics alert by identifying the characteristics of students who use drugs, be aware of the presence of a stranger or dealer, impromptu raid.

Usually dealers and users in schools has been well aware of programs in schools to prevent the user or users of the school, they do of course anticipate the best they can. Whatever their clever tricks, like smart as good a squirrel jump, eventually falling as well. Moves sniper school to avoid detection is under their control, but given the nature of addictive drugs and menutut dosisyang higher then discipline will be revealed as well a safe manner.

For that let us avoid and stay away and join combat drug use. Thus the speech that I can say if there is an error in speech, I apologize. For your attention I thank you and I end.

Wassalamu alaikum Wr. wb

Publisher by Muhamad Ramli Terimakasih
Contoh Pidato Bahaya Narkoba Bahasa Ingris
Contoh Pidato Bahaya Narkoba Bahasa Ingris - written by Catatan Cand , published at Sunday, January 11, 2015, categorized as Kumpulan Pidato
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